During this week’s webinar, AnitaB.org CEO and President Brenda Darden Wilkerson discussed the importance of building an antiracist society with leaders Dr. Kamau Bobb, Global Lead, Diversity Strategy & Research at Google; Andrea Fishman, Partner at PWC; Liza Layne, AnitaB.org London Community Leader; and Alexandria Butler, Senior Program Manager at Twitter.
Watch the full recording below. Scroll down to see our list of resources to help you connect, learn, and find support.
Resource | Link | Participant |
Supporting women and non-binary adults with low incomes, and 91% Black, Indigenous and additional People of Color (BIPOC) | techtonica.org | Michelle Glauser |
Season to Soar – Developing programs for underprivileged and underrepresented youth.
https://www.seasontosoar.com/ | Praveena Ayyadurai |
Diversity coaching and consulting | @changecadet | Janet Evarts |
Black owned fitness | @libbychristensen | Emily Tucci |
Campaign Zero and Brittany Packnett Cunningham
The comprehensive platform of research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America. |
https://www.joincampaignzero.org/ | Caroline Lee |
US cities segregated by design – history of laws and policies that have created inequities/sustained bias
https://ggwash.org/view/77916/us-cities-were-segregated-by-design-this-video-shows-how-were-still-affected-2 | Kendsie Channing |
Parenting and education through a critical race lens | @theconsciouskid | Brianne Lippert |
Amplify black voices and experiences in academia | #BlackintheIvory | Laurie Heyer |
Gideon Akande
Black owned fitness |
@getfitwithgiddy | Kristin Bongiovanni |
Social media for promoting black as beautiful | @creativesoulphoto www.creativesoulphoto.com
@tokietstudio www.tokietaylorstudio.com
Monique McIntosh |
Balancing on Unstable Surfaces
Reflections on the challenges of balancing work and life in a constantly shifting environment |
bousbous.com | Sheila Thorne |
Rachel Cargle – activist/writer/speaker. | https://www.rachelcargle.com/ | Sarah McComb
Stefanie Fackrell |
Ibram X. Kendi – How To Be An Anti-Racist | https://www.ibramxkendi.com/ | Sarah McComb
Bonnie Richardson |
Black Lives Matter | https://blacklivesmatter.com/ | Sarah McComb |
NAACP | https://www.naacp.org/ | Sarah McComb |
Bozoma Saint John
Brands supporting social causes |
@badassboz | Ashley Cohn |
Defunding the police
@janayathefuture | Jared Maddox |
Me and White Supremacy anti-racism workbook – Layla Saad | https://www.meandwhitesupremacybook.com/ | Danielle Lapointe
Michelle Glauser |
Army supporting Black Lives Matter
Find links and donate to non-profit organizations supporting the BLM movement that have been vetted |
https://btsarmyxblm.carrd.co/# | Lily Lee |
Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE) | https://www.caeny.org/ | Lily Lee |
Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones:
Racism is a system of structuring opportunity and assigning value based on the social interpretation of how one looks (which is what we call “race”), that unfairly disadvantages some individuals and communities, unfairly advantages other individuals and communities, and saps the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources |
Bonnie Richardson |
Dr Banaji -blind spots in racism | https://psychology.fas.harvard.edu/people/mahzarin-r-banaji | Michael Kaufman |
AnitaB.org Twitter | https://twitter.com/AnitaB_org/status/1271157081970749441?s=20 | Natasha Green |
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Bias discovery for individuals, helps you check your privilege |
https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html | Jeff Crumb |
Coaching, consulting, equity audits
adawaygroup.com | Ellen B Green |
Whiteness at Work
https://repository.law.umich.edu/mjrl/vol24/iss1/5/ | Ellen B Green |
Ethics, Identity, and Political Vision: Toward a Justice-Centered Approach to Equity in Computer Science Education | https://www.academia.edu/36599198/Ethics_Identity_and_Political_Vision_Toward_a_Justice-Centered_Approach_to_Equity_in_Computer_Science_Education | Sloan Davis |
Donate to AnitaB.org
https://easygiving.online/organizations/4gbs9kf/online_giving_logins/new?locale=en |
Natasha Green |
Lexi Butler Instagram | @sistacirclebwit (a group for black women in tech)@unfiltered_27 (Career tips)
@naturallylexi (personal page) |
Lekisha Middleton |
Uncomfortable conversations with a Black Man | https://twitter.com/thEMANacho/status/1270506091676303360?s=20 | Perrine Crampton |
AnitaB.org Events | https://community.anitab.org/events/ | Natasha Green |
Direct action items (updated regularly), Educational Resources, Donation Matching Google Form, Culture and Arts Club | https://google.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7b1339edfcd37d8543bd35f0f&id=bcb7d5c7e4&e=e61fc89681 | Nicole Calasich |
Networking/Mentoring | https://www.womeninresearch.org | Zontziry Johnson |
equity x design course | https://courses.equitymeetsdesign.com/p/introduction-to-equityxdesign1 | Kendsie Channing |
Information on what Defund the Police means and how to explain it | https://www.mpd150.com | Jennifer FIlipowski |
What it means to be actively anti-racist and how to confront discomfort and denial about white privilege | https://www.ted.com/talks/ibram_x_kendi_how_to_build_an_antiracist_world | Isabelle Wattenberg |
Tumblr of short “Racism/Anti-Racism 101” videos for people new to the conversation; this is the granny toss of educational resources and meant to spare POC (especially Black folks) when people expect you to explain racism to them. | bingethisbetch.tumblr.com | Nicole Calasich |
How to be an Anti-Racist Ally | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x5XLuyL_bl_skdBsYxiGAw99C4dOXPl0v_WjuQodwuQ/edit?fbclid=IwAR3isnNpzuz2gpMEW18CvOOhsJeveFpDCrMUamPwj6LPn12zE4kCW1rev_c | Jennifer FIlipowski |
Anti-racism resources for white people – List of learning resources intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. |
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BRlF2_zhNe86SGgHa6-VlBO-QgirITwCTugSfKie5Fs/mobilebasic?fbclid=IwAR2_aTX_DQ9rHSF6iwY1C6IAOAoLLUzWkP4Gk5YiXFuHg4BHMI-xgHN9dKc | Katie Besgen |
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) – an organization with very specific actions for white people | https://www.surjbayarea.org/ | Deanna Grams |
The New Jim Crow | https://newjimcrow.com/ | Jennifer FIlipowski |
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present:
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/medical-apartheid-harriet-a-washington/1100623226 | Carolina Moreno |
United Women of Color | https://www.unitedwoc.org | Helen Hawkins |
National Database that lets you search which of your elected representatives took money from Police PACs | NoMoreCopMoney.com | Nicole Calasich |
Black comedians/Sanity
@jaboukie (Jaboukie Young-White)
@dulcesloan (Dulce Sloan) @chethinks (Michael Che) @blacktresscomedy (Naomi Ekperigin) |
Nicole Calasich |
Google Form that matches you with a person in the tech industry whose company does corporate-matching for charitable donations and who have agreed to donate to a BLM-related cause. Double matching for BLM, The Bail Project, ACLU, NAACP, Fair Fight | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpVVsOCqcs-XvRQc-Cznly5lZsVkBHAafwOOIYEMAiO5sdsw/viewform | Nicole Calasich |
DEI Consultants | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1giDIGTd5XvuCrP9n-Y70_NQPegvmcejdg8x3ypM5Iu4/edit?pli=1#gid=0 | Regina Angeles |
Black Parents Explain How to Deal with the Police | HiHo Kids | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrqufuL6eD8 | |
Black women doing work in tech: Latanya Sweeney (Harvard) | https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=404145556657566 | Mariana |
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism – Robin DiAngelo | https://www.amazon.com/White-Fragility-People-About-Racism/dp/0807047414 | Mariana |
Black women doing work in digital media: Kishonna Gray (University of Illinois at Chicago, Harvard) | https://gws.uic.edu/research_areas/digital-media/ | Mariana |
Why White Liberals Are So Unwilling to Recognize Their Own Racism | https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/08/white-liberal-racism-why-progressives-are-unable-to-see-their-own-bigotry.html
Mariana |
Black women doing work in tech: Joy Boulamwini (MIT) | https://events.technologyreview.com/video/watch/joy-buolamwini-algorithmic-justice-league-innovator/ | Mariana |
James Baldwin and America’s Racial Problem, London, 1969
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnIjXmfTSYg | Mariana |
Ethics in Your World – Cornel West & Danielle Allen conversation | https://vimeo.com/186509366 | Mariana |
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