Emerging Leader Abie Award
In Honor of Denice Denton

2023 Abie Award Nominations will open soon!
*This award is open to junior, non-tenured faculty members who identify as women or non-binary under 40 years old.
The Emerging Leader Abie Award in Honor of Denice Denton recognizes a junior faculty member for high-quality research and significant positive impact on diversity. Recipients are honored by the technical women’s community at Grace Hopper Celebration.
The Emerging Leader Abie Award honors the life and career of Professor Denice Denton (1959 – 2006), an engineering faculty member and the first female dean of a school of engineering in a major U.S. research university. She worked throughout her life to give minorities a voice, make engineering attractive to women and minorities, strongly promote diversity in higher education, and help many break barriers and find their path in life.
Award Prizes
- Recipients of the Emerging Leader Abie Award are honored by the technical women’s community at Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) and invited to give a presentation on their work and accomplishments at the Celebration.
- Winners receive an all-expense paid trip to GHC.
- Cash prize of $15,000.
Past winners of this award include:
Nominations closed on March 7 at 5 p.m. PT
Selection Criteria
The award is presented each year to a junior tenure-track (non-tenured) faculty member under the age of 40 at an academic or research institution.
Potential nominees are:
- Pursuing high-quality research in any field of engineering or physical sciences
- Demonstrating a significant leadership capability
- Contributing significantly to promote diversity in their environment
Supporting Documents
You will need to submit:
- Two letters of reference from professional contacts of the nominee
- Endorsers should be chosen to represent a range of perspectives and institutions, and provide additional insights or evidence of the candidate’s impact. Each letter should focus on the accomplishments which that endorser can attest to and place in context.
- The nominee’s biography (maximum of 500 words)
- The nominee’s CV or resume
- Landscape orientation high-resolution photograph of the nominee (minimum of 5MB JPG)
Want to be contacted when we open nominations for 2023?