Abie Award FAQ

Clear acrylic diamond shaped awards in front of a wall with the AnitaB.org logo

Thank you for your interest in the Abie Awards! Here are some frequently used Abie Award terms.


Nominee  The nominee is the individual who is being considered for an Abie Award.
Nominator The nominator is the individual who is completing and submitting the submission form on behalf of the Nominee. Nominators should be able to provide a well-rounded view of the impact of the nominee’s work and impact on the community. The Nominator may also be the Nominee for an Abie Award. The Student of Vision Abie Award is the only award that requires the Nominee to self-nominate (no additional nominator). 
Abie Award Winner The individual who the selection committee has identified as the Abie Award recipient after reviewing submissions. Each year, we select a total of five Abie Award Winners. 
Recommender A recommender is an individual who writes a letter of recommendation on behalf of the Nominee. Each submission requires two letters of recommendation. Note that the nominator cannot be a recommender. You must have two separate recommenders from the nominator. 
Submission Form The submission form is the online form that the nominator uses to share information about the Abie Award nominee with the selection committee. Each Abie Award has its own submission form.


Below are the most frequently asked questions about the awards.

Eligibility & Nominations

Submission Form

  • Can I save my Submission Form if I can’t complete it?

    Unfortunately, there is no save function on the platform. We encourage submitters to draft their responses in a separate document, then paste them into the submission system when finalized. You can find the Form Questions in each individual Abie Award page in the Selection Criteria.

  • How long does it take to complete the Submission Form?

    We recommend you get started early on the submission form because it is not something you can leave until the last minute to complete. The average submission process takes three to five weeks.

  • What are the required documents needed to submit?

    Below are the required submission documents for all Abie Award nominations.
    - The nominee’s biography (maximum of 500 words)
    - Landscape orientation high resolution photograph of the nominee (minimum of 5MB JPG)
    Please note: There may be additional files needed that is unique to a specific Abie Award. Please read the submission form closely to see what is required.

Award Winners

Don’t see an answer to your question? Visit our Abie Award homepage or email us at awards@anitab.org.