Check out our news series hosted by Brenda Wilkerson Darden, which brings together tech company leaders to discuss COVID-19 related challenges. Register now!
We’re living through challenging times. COVID-19 has changed the world as we know it, and its impact on our work lives is not like anything we’ve encountered before. In this current economic environment, is committed now more than ever to our mission of helping women in tech achieve intersectional gender and pay parity.
We do not take our role lightly and feel honored to be your trusted ally – serving as connector between technology innovators and educators, and women in technology. More than ever, we need as many diverse perspectives as possible in tech to identify and develop holistic solutions and forge a recovery plan.
To better serve women in tech during this crisis, we’ve added new programs and resources such as our Tech Journey COVID-19 Emergency Fund, a new webinar series, and career resources.
Your ongoing support is crucial to our ability to re-imagine and deliver impactful resources. Donate to support programs! You can also support us by shopping at, or by texting “Give” to (650) 434-4132. Donations are tax deductible.
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Read more posts from the thread Women Are Dying and the World’s Ignoring It: Why We Need FemTech