At, we want candidates to know they should support policies that lead to intersectional gender equity in the technical workforce. Below are key messages to consider when speaking with someone about the importance of a more equitable tech industry. That’s why we’re excited our Techies Vote Election Toolkit is now live. #TechiesVote wants to share tools to empower you to engage candidates in the topics that you care about during this election cycle. From attending a town hall to hearing from your school board city, county, state, or congressional elected officials, from writing an op-ed about the midterm election, to encouraging folks in your community to vote, we believe women and non-binary technologists and their allies have voices that deserve to be heard. We hope these tools empower you to do just that.
Why it Matters
This year we have witnessed a new record of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation and laws along with attacks on abortion and reproductive rights. From local to global, policies impact our everyday lives and multifaceted humanity. Activism and voting have direct impacts at all levels of government and give power to us and our communities. Elections are one of the privileges that allow us to change the course of public policy, choose lawmakers from diverse backgrounds who will advocate for our priorities, and engage the public in conversations about the challenges that are impacting our lives at all levels.
Next Steps
- Check out the Techies Vote Election Toolkit now!
- Encourage others to vote: Post on social media, send a letter to the editor, and share your plan to vote with others
- Make a voting plan
- Review your sample ballot through your local elections office.
- Locate your polling place.
- Check your voting dates and times.
- Make sure you have the right documents.
Try out the different tools and explore the myriad of ways you can make your voice and your issues heard this election cycle. We also want to hear from you! Are you planning to attend a town hall, or do you have questions about your letter to the editor? Share your plans by posting with #TechiesVote and or by emailing us at
Know Your Rights
Be sure to also share “Know Your Rights” information with your community to make sure no one gets discouraged or targeted from practicing their voting rights. Here are some resources to learn from and share:
Save this hotline number in case, you encounter issues at your polling place: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
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Read more posts from the thread Your ‘Actually Useful’ Mid-Career Guide to Winning as a Woman in Tech