Webinar #4: Federal Policy Responding to Women in Tech in Crisis

Resource Link Participant
Jacky Rosen feature https://medium.com/wogrammer/the-pivot-to-civic-7aa6081b15f4 Jessie Arora
New Emergency Legislation Provides Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave for Child Care for Millions https://www.nationalpartnership.org/our-work/resources/economic-justice/new-emergency-legislation-paid-sick-days-paid-leave-child-care.pdf Katherine Eyster via Stephanie Rodriguez
Disproportionate impacts of Covid-19 as outlined but the Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership at Haas Business School at UC Berkeley https://mailchi.mp/81dd1f0dd3bd/responding-to-covid-19-with-equity-fluent-leadership?e=826c9fa86a Jill Finlayson
How To Prevent The Pandemic From Taking A Greater Toll On Women Entrepreneurs https://www.forbes.com/sites/geristengel/2020/04/03/how-to-prevent-the-pandemic-from-taking-a-greater-toll-on-women-entrepreneurs/#1b91c0443d51 Jill Finlayson
Quarantine impacts on domestic violence https://time.com/5803887/coronavirus-domestic-violence-victims/


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/06/world/coronavirus-domestic-violence.html   https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/06/827908402/global-lockdowns-resulting-in-horrifying-surge-in-domestic-violence-u-n-warns

Jill Finlayson
Women in cloud is supporting tech entrepreneurs to have access to $1b in opportunities and working together to help rebuild policy recommendations https://www.womenincloud.com/ Chai D
Countries with the best Coronavirus Responses https://www.forbes.com/sites/avivahwittenbergcox/2020/04/13/what-do-countries-with-the-best-coronavirus-reponses-have-in-common-women-leaders/ Jill Finlayson
7 Leadership Lessons Men Can Learn from Women https://hbr.org/2020/04/7-leadership-lessons-men-can-learn-from-women Jill Finlayson
Learn Coding Skills for 21st Century with AnitaB.org

12 week coding program

12-16 week program, AWS, Python, Javascript, and more

https://community.anitab.org/event/webinar-how-to-code-with-anitab-org/ Natasha Green
U.S. Census https://2020census.gov/en.html Mitali Chakraborty
CITRIS Policy Lab – working on informing tech policy and making policy more equitable https://citrispolicylab.org/research/@BNonnecke@CITRISPolicyLab Jill Finlayson
@CASEatDuke launched #COVID19CapitalRelief, a searchable database for global, national and regional capital sources for for-profit and nonprofit entrepreneurs at risk due to #COVID19. https://bit.ly/COVID19CapitalRelief Jill Finlayson
University of California Riverside list of resources https://techpartnerships.ucr.edu/covid19 Jill Finlayson
Resources for Sacramento entrepreneurs amid Covid-19 Impacts https://startupsac.com/resources-for-sacramento-entrepreneurs-amid-covid-19-impacts/ Jill Finlayson
Small Business Relief Fund is part of the Small Business Relief Initiative, a program supported by GoFundMe, Yelp, and Intuit QuickBooks. https://www.gofundme.com/f/smallbusinessrelieffund Jill Finlayson
Facebook resources and loans https://www.facebook.com/business/boost/grants Jill Finlayson
University of California related startups I&E COVID-19 Website https://sites.google.com/view/ucinnovationentrepreneurship/home Jill Finlayson
AnitaB.org PoliTECHing newsletter https://anitab.org/newsletter/ Stephanie Rodriguez
Continue the conversation https://anitab-org.mobilize.io/ Liza Layne
Anitab.org leadership webinars https://anitab.org/resources/webinars-and-podcasts/conversations-on-leadership/ Liza Layne
Resources addressing domestic violence during this time https://www.thehotline.org/help
Katherine Eyster via Faith Savaiano
If you have a tech background and want to volunteer some time to help local and state governments fix and build tech solutions addressing the pandemic you can sign up to volunteer. www.usdigitalresponse.org Mitali Chakraborty
Call to action link https://p2a.co/T2AOwF3 Katherine Eyster

Read more posts from the thread Empowering Voters in the AnitaB.org Community: A Comprehensive Guide

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