Silvia de A.

Silvia de A.
2019 Anita Borg Systers Pass It On Award Winner
Project Title: Practical Internet of Things (IoT) Course for Young Women
Country: Brazil
It is estimated that by 2025 a hundred billion devices will be connected to the Internet, according to the Internet Society (2018), having social, technological and economic impacts and moving around 11 trillion dollars in the global economy. IoT creates a scenario of new opportunities and concerns. It is necessary to train young people, especially women, who can take advantage of these opportunities and offer solutions to the new problems. This project will increase the number of women with technological education in Information Technology for the growing demand of the market.
The Practical Internet of Things (IoT) course for high school girls from public schools will allow students to develop technological solutions as well as learn basic concepts of electronics, computer programming, and mobile application development. This project is part of a larger, existing project, called Elas.Net, to support girls in computing courses. The course can make a difference in the professional life of these young women, as well as foster their interest in continuing their studies, academic training, and research. Activities include lectures and hands-on activities in micro-controller programming, circuit assembly, and mobile programming, using Arduino, sensors, actuators, and other tools.
Silvia is a Brazilian computer engineering professor and researcher at CEFET-MG University who teaches about Internet protocols, security, Internet of Things, telecommunications, and Internet governance. She is a member of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 6lo, core, lpwan, lasa, suit groups, Systers, Internet Society, and Brazilian Internet Governance. She follows LACNIC groups, such as IT-women, Politicas (policies), and ietf-lac, and participates in Internet’s groups and courses in Brazil. She has participated as an ISOC fellow at the IETF 91 meeting, in 2014, and at LACNIC 29, in 2018. She is also a TED Ed Club leader encouraging students to share ideas and thoughts.