Measure What Matters: Top Companies for Women Technologists 2017 Results’s Top Companies for Women Technologists is a U.S. program that recognizes companies building workplaces where women can thrive.
In our 7th year, we analyzed data on representation, programs, and policies from 63 companies representing more than 131,000 women technologists. We share company specific insights with participants so they can continue to build more inclusive workplaces.

We also publish an Insights Report, examining trends and benchmarks across the industry. At a time when women technologists are significantly underrepresented in building technologies, Top Companies data helps us clearly understand whether the industry is improving, who is committed to change and advancement, and what policies, procedures, and actions are most effective in driving progress. To help understand what factors may influence representation rates, we divide participating companies into two categories: Change Alliance and Leadership Index. Companies that score below the mean are listed on the Change Alliance, and those that score at or above the mean are listed on the Leadership Index.