Measure What Matters: Top Companies for Women Technologists 2019 Results
Top Companies for Women Technologists is the only benchmarking program that looks specifically at technical employees and awards companies that are making the most progress toward equity.
This national program from that identifies key trends around the equity of women technologists in the workforce. First launched in 2011, the program helps organizations identify areas where they can improve, and signals a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion that women look for in an employer. This year’s Top Companies participants came from a wide range of industries, including software, financial services, media, retail, and hardware.
All participating organizations agree to utilize a rigorous, standardized definition of the technical workforce, and all comparisons are based on this shared understanding.
At a time when women are significantly underrepresented on teams that are building technologies that shape every aspect of modern life, Top Companies helps point the way to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future.
In our 9th year, we analyzed data on representation, programs, and policies from 76 companies representing more than 143,000 women technologists. We share company specific insights with participants so they can benchmark their progress and continue to build more inclusive workplaces.
We also publish an Insights Report, examining trends and benchmarks across the industry. At a time when women technologists are significantly underrepresented, Top Companies data helps us clearly understand whether the industry is improving, who is committed to change and advancement, and what policies, procedures, and actions are most effective in driving progress. To help understand what factors may influence representation rates, we look at participants based on technical workforce size (less than 1,000, between 1,000 and 10,000, and greater than 10,000 technical employees) and award the top 25th percentile scoring companies in each size category the Top Companies for Women Technologists Leader designation.
Some stats from the 2019 program:
- There has been a steady increase in the representation of women technologist at every career level in companies – women make up 25.1% of the technical workforce.
- Women still leave their companies at higher rates than their male colleagues, although companies in the medium technical workforce size categories achieve retention equity this year.
- There were significant increases in Black and Latinx/Hispanic women technologists.
- Ten participating companies achieved representation equity within at least one career level, proving the 50/50 is possible.
In 2019, Top Companies data confirmed what works to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. New findings illustrate the programs and policies that have a positive impact for women technologists based on company size. Women’s representation remains lower than men’s at every career level in tech. Underrepresented women of color remain the smallest population in technical roles. Top Companies data shows that progress is not only possible, it is being made, and that with more concerted effort, tech can achieve equity for all women.