Webinar #2: Apprenticeships and Internships in a Time of Crisis

Hosted by Brenda Darden Wilkerson, this new series addresses what companies can do to address the impact of COVID-19.

“Webinar #2: Apprenticeships and Internships in a Time of Crisis” features Brenda and several tech leaders discussing internships, apprenticeships, and returnships — alternative pathways to careers in tech that are more important than ever in helping companies advance DEI goals during this unprecedented time.

  • Vicki Mealer-Burke, VP & Chief Diversity Officer, Qualcomm
  • Jennifer Scott, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Society of Women Engineers
  • Terrance Bowman, Head of Global Technology Diversity Attraction, Communities, and Inclusion Strategy, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Ryan Carson, Founder & CEO, Treehouse

Watch the full recording below. Make sure to also check out “Webinar #1: Leadership During A Time of Turmoil,” and scroll down to see our list of resources to help you connect, learn, and find support during these difficult times.

Resource Link Participant
Companies hiring and freezing hiring https://www.parkerdewey.com/blog/remote-internship-program-tips Eva Lynch
Tips for companies looking to take their internships online https://www.parkerdewey.com/blog/remote-internship-program-tips Jeffrey Moss
Pro-version of lessons free to students https://www.codecademy.com/ Cynthia Osuji
No cost technology training and apprenticeship placement https://www.launchcode.org/ Crystal Crump
Online courses available to any high school or college student interested in pursuing a career in the financial industry. Currently available courses include: Elevator Pitch, Public Speaking, Dress for Success, Financial Literacy, Intro to the Stock Market, Investment Foundations, Investment Philosophies, and Derivatives and Capital Structure. https://greenwoodproject.org/ Bevon Joseph
Learn to code, earn certifications https://www.freecodecamp.org/ Shripad Laddha
Free Ivy League online courses IVY League link Jennifer Scott
12-week coding program Community blog Natasha Green
Online learning https://www.udacity.com/ Terrance Bowman
Online learning https://www.udemy.com/ Terrance Bowman
Online learning https://teamtreehouse.com/ Ryan Carson
Database with opportunities for people with technical skills to help with COVID-19 outreach projects COVIDbase link Susi Burke
Virtual hackathon focused on the climate crisis https://www.capsulehack.io/ Eva Lynch
Online learning, data https://www.kaggle.com/ Mia Bartlett
Volunteer organization, with engineers, scientists, and doctors around the world dedicated to helping the world address the COVID-19 pandemic https://www.helpfulengineering.org/volunteer/ Susi Burke
Free Treehouse livestreams, led by engineering teachers on different tech topics https://join.teamtreehouse.com/treehouse-live Vanessa Harris
List of apprenticeships https://www.apprenticeship.gov/become-apprentice Gabriel Yeager
Volunteer opportunity for male allies for AnitaB.org Community blog Natasha Green
Online surfing program Revolution Balance Boards Link Jackie Copeland
Online surfing program https://thesurfcontinuum.com/how-to-surf/ Jackie Copeland
Donate to AnitaB.org https://anitab.org/Donate/ Natasha Green
Offers and customized programs for interns and college hires including building leaders from the grown up N/A Karessa Burris
Podcast with insights on putting first time experiences into perspective https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-on-ffts/ Crystal Crump
Alliance geared towards technical or engineering professional women who are seeking to resume their careers https://reentry.swe.org Jennifer Scott
How to overcome imposter syndrome https://www.chronicle.com/article/How-to-Overcome-Impostor/244700 Juli Green
Organization that supports returnships https://themomproject.com/about Kim Holmes
Sales engagement tool https://www.outreach.io/product Ryan Carson
Social media marketing advice book https://www.amazon.com/Jab-Right-Hook-Story-Social/dp/006227306X Natasha Green
Virtual salary negotiation webinars for free https://www.aauw.org/ Susan Paul
Research on technical projects, like own your own data and how to create data structures https://squareup.com/us/en Jill Fahrenholtz

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