Help us surpass 1,000 signatures! Enter your name below to show Congress your support for pay equity and the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Ending gender discrimination in pay cannot happen without the right legal protections in place. It’s time employers complied with new laws that protect us and our pay. Congress must enact real change by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act and protecting equal pay for equal work.
It’s Time to Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act and End Gender Discrimination In Pay
- brings together allies and champions across every sector to advance intersectional gender equity in technology.
- Why this matters to members:

The TL;DR on Paycheck Fairness Act
The Paycheck Fairness Act strengthens wage discrimination protections by expanding on the landmark Equal Pay Act of 1963.
Key Features of the Paycheck Fairness Act that Further Pay Equity:
- Protects employees from retaliation for discussing pay with coworkers
- Prohibits employers from screening prospective employees based on salary history or requiring prospective employees to disclose their salary history
- Limits legal justifications employers can use to excuse wage differences between employees
- Expands remedies for people who have experienced sex-based wage discrimination
- Improves training, education, and data collection around pay disparities in the US
Resources on the Paycheck Fairness Act and Equal Pay:
The Paycheck Fairness Act – National Partnership for Women & Families
How the Paycheck Fairness Act Will Strengthen the Equal Pay Act – National Women’s Law Center
The Gender Pay Gap – AAUW