Abie Awards

Celebrating the achievements
of women in tech

Our Abie Awards honor distinguished leaders, whose achievements and life stories demonstrate that all of us have the power to improve our world, individually and collectively. Abie Award recipients are honored at the Grace Hopper Celebration as we recognize their incredible talent and hear how women in tech are changing the world through technology.

Previous Winners

2023 Student of Vision Abie Award Winner
Ange Cynthia Umuhire
2023 Educational Innovation Abie Award Winner
Carlotta Berry
2023 Social Impact Abie Award Winner
Esther Kumali
Ange Cynthia Umuhire
Carlotta Berry
Esther Kumali

2023 Emerging Technology Abie Award Winner
Eva Esteban Velasco
2023 Technical Leadership Abie Award Winner
Margaret Burnett
2023 Government in Tech Abie Award Winner
Renata Spinks
Eva Esteban Velasco
Margaret Burnett
Renata Spinks

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